Bearing Failure
Proper tensioning cannot be stressed enough: too tight of tensioning will possibly cause damage to the bearings, shafts and other drive components besides dramatically reducing timing belt life. The correct timing belt tension is the lowest tension at which timing belts will transmit the required mechanical power and not ratchet teeth when the drive is under a full load.
To reduce the total tension on a drive for a given torque, the timing belt pulley diameter must be increased. Attempting to reduce tension by increasing timing belt width actually causes greater loads on bearings. Pull is concentrated farther away from the bearing and there is more timing belt pulley weight due to increased width of the drive.
Probable Cause:
- Too high of tension
Corrective Action:
- Adjust tension to recommended value
Probable Cause:
- Sub-minimal timing belt pulley diameters
Corrective Action:
- Use correct timing belt pulley diameter
Probable Cause:
- Misaligned drive
Corrective Action:
- Check parallel and angular alignment of the timing belt pulleys